Thursday, March 6, 2008


a new day, a new blog.

anyone remember Xanga??? im really missisng XANGA right now.


i would like to start off by saying, "FUCK FAT BITCHES!!!!"

i fucking hate FAT BITCHES!

my job, basically revolves around these giant burdens on society, and i am SO over it.

i have nothing against fat people. no.
hell, im fat!

no... its just the fat bitches that i have to deal with every single day of my life.

want to know why i hate fat bitches???

1. they smell. OMG the smell. someone needs to tell these women, that deoderant isnt JUST for you under arms anymore. you need to lather that shit under your big ass titties. you need to rub a little under those back rolls, and go ahead and apply btw your christmas ham thighs. because God knows, shit is growing in the crevices. and it is nasty! no one wants to smell your fishy lips... you know which ones im talking about... when you waddle up in a store.
no we dont

2. cheap. every one of these MFRs are CHEAP! i'm sorry that it takes 6 extra yards to make a pair of pants for you size 32 ass, then it does for someone's ass at Old Navy, so sorry, that you have to pay for that. and you know what??? im sorry that you think $6.99 is too much for a 100% silk, hand embroidered (orig. $200) dress, but you need to take your fat ass somewhere else!

3. Rude! now WHO on earth said it was ok to take a top from the rack, take it off the hanger, then throw it on a table and walk away?? who said it was ok for you to reach behind the counter and grab MY personal buisness sheets?? who said those coupons, BEHIND the counter! were yours?? NO that magazine is NOT free, give it back, AND if your little paw reaches to grab your reciept ONE more time before its done printing, you're going to be pulling back a STUMP!

4. dumb. DUMB DUMB DUMB!! if the sign says "pants on sale" DONT come up to me and ask "are tops on sale??" is the sign says "all tops $12.99" dont come ask me if they're $12.99! AND why in God's name do you look at a price tag and say "How much is this??" YOU'RE LOOKING AT IT! IF IT SAYS $49.50 IT'S FUCKING $49.50!!!!

5. titties. i have seen more boobs at my job then a strip club owner. i do not want to see your boob job. i dont care if they are bigger or smaller then they were. no i do not want to help you take off/put on your bra. no, you do NOT have to take your shirt off to have a bra fit, NO! do not open your door topless! NO NO NO NO!

6. returns. OMG RETURNS! if that shit has been sitting in your closet since 2004, DO NOT bring it back. If you wore that bra 6 times and just dont like it anymore, DONT bring it back. if you bought a bunch of clothes, kept the reciept, wore them for a few months and lost weight DONT BRING THEM BACK! if it smells like smokey perfume covered cat piss DONT BRING IT BACK! if you spilt something on it, if it ripped bc your fat ass couldnt fit in it, if you bought it years ago, DONT BRING IT BACK!!!

7. children. omg, you KNOW you're a bad mother when your child poops on the floor because they're mad at you, and that does not surprise you. if your child is old enough to speak complete sentences, does not wear diapers, and ties they're own shoes, take that GD pacifier OUT OF THEIR MOUTH!! if your child can say ANYTHING take that nipple of yours out of their mouth! i do NOT want to hear about how you breast fed your child until they were four! SICK! YOU SICK M*FR!!

UGH! i HATE HATE HATE fat bitches! as;lkdjfklasdjfgklasjgklasjgadksj! HATE THEM!

....the end :)

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